Sunday, May 27, 2018

Elves and Bubbles

According to the German folklore, helpful elves may visit people's houses nightly, and get work done for them while they are sleeping.

The ambiguous perception of work is present in various cultures, being considered a necessary evil or even a punishment for the human kind. It's a generally accepted idea, that living in paradisiacal conditions does not imply a working relation or contract.

Financial bubbles are not a new phenomenon, they have always been fed by people unhappy with their jobs and lacking the necessary financial and psychological literacy.

The truth is that there are no recipes for filtering out unsuitable investment advices popularized by people caught in the system they are advertising. We have to try things out and we have to fail a number of times in order to develop common sense.

Investing real efforts in following a good school and making our home works do help many more than people tend to think, but gathering life experience and standing up when falling down are part of the process.

Then the answer to the following question will be straightforward: Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, hedge funds, unicorns and cryptocurrencies promising the moon from the sky ...from where they'll get the goods they are promising? Who will work to produce those goods?

We can redistribute only what we have produced, and who have lived in socialism as a macro economic system, have learned the hard way why it does not work.

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