Monday, September 2, 2024

Real Offers

These days the well known online job board pages are often loading slowly because of the unusually high traffic. Among others LinkedIn is listing many office workers open to work, from junior graduates to senior engineers.

My unpopular opinion is that in the EU the recession is here to stay, and in the USA it will end after they manage to reshape the current salary expectations. As always, the bubbles burst and the companies surviving the hard times are going to offer new work opportunities.

In a rapidly changing economic environment innovation and experimentation are essential. Even the most established companies need to adopt the startup iteration approach for some of their projects, because we are facing new problems which cannot be resolved by adjusting the solutions elaborated for old problems.

It's very possible that the purchasing power and the nature of our income sources will change significantly in the near future, but the projects will always have at least three elements: a requirement list, a budget, and a timeframe. Who has a real offer for you will always tell you about these three elements, otherwise he or she is just enjoying a business trip meant to identify opportunities.

Of course there are countless tactics and strategies out there for finding out your "last price" or tricking you, but fair treatment is a nice to have, and the negative experiences are as necessary as the positive ones. One never get too old for growing as a person. 

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